Who We Are:
Blue Sun Studio Publishing is a hybrid publisher, no agent required. Our services include in-depth manuscript mentoring, professional design and publishing credibility. You retain all your copyrights and we reserve the right to use the book and brand for promotional purposes. You are free to market your book where, when, and how you like.
We will assess the potential of the book from the chapter submission and recommend either coaching before moving on to design, or ready to publish.
The publishing landscape is full of noise and you need every advantage to stand out. Not only does your story have to be top notch, you need a cover that makes people pick up that book. Without that, you could have the best story in the world and no one would know it.
We understand what it takes to publish a book. The writing is the easy part and only half the battle. Now it’s time to use the fine grit sandpaper and polish that story.
Quality is first and foremost. We are demanding, yes, and we expect nothing less from you than we would ask of ourselves. We will help you have a final product you will be proud of.
Mission Statement:
Blue Sun Studio Publishing is dedicated to helping authors produce professional quality books. Our focus is on the key elements of publication: you, your story and the joom. We believe that education is key and we want our clients to feel confident as they navigate the publishing waters.
How to Submit:
- Please provide a final, edited MS in word. No fancy formatting, in other words, don’t waste a lot of time trying to make it look pretty. Simple formatting like bolding and italics are fine.
- Submit the first chapter only.
- A brief summary of your story. Don’t worry about “selling” us on the story, you don’t have think about pitching a concept to us. We want to know what the story’s about—and it’s okay to include spoilers and how it all ends.
- We take all genres and non-fiction.
What we don’t want (please don’t send):
- Full manuscripts
- Unfinished manuscripts
- Concept proposals
- Printed MS by snail mail
- Phone calls
Click here to send us your submission.