In my weight-loss practice, when I work intimately with a client over many months’ time, she may achieve the same weight-loss results as a client in my larger group program investing less. But my private client will have experienced the benefits that can ONLY come from a VIP experience – individual attention that can lead to enormous personal breakthroughs. This “bonus” will carry her for many years down the road, and although she’s achieved the exact same weight-loss as the other group client, she walked the red carpet and got exactly what she paid for.
I’m sure it works the same way for web design. I’ll go for the $600 haircut! Brilliant
…and I wouldn’t buy a $1000 purse either. I’d drop that easily on one trip to Best Buy…oh wait….that was the Great Computer Disaster of 2013. Even so, it was a no brainer. It was a necessity and it holds high value for me. A Fashionista probably wouldn’t agree, but there you go.